Welcome to Reeths-Puffer's unique and engaging Pennsylvania Elementary Kindergarten program that was formed from a dynamic and healthy partnership between Winter Sun Schoolhouse and the Reeths-Puffer School District. We have united in hopes of satisfying a hunger in our community and a thirst for a different way. This unique program was designed to challenge children to refine what they already know and to confidently travel into developmental areas that are unknown: mentally, socially, emotionally, creatively, and physically. Heather Klimsza and Karyn Edwards, Reeths-Puffer Michigan State Certified Teachers, bring to the program years of hands-on experience and a variety of higher-level education, but most importantly, they offer children a commitment, a determination, and an undying passion to uncover the potential of every one of their students.
The c.h.i.l.d.r.e.n.s Curriculum offers students the unique occasion to develop a strong foundation in self-awareness, human services, emotional well-being, character development, life skills, and socialization through discovery play, science, social studies, and environmental education; however, it also offers children a well-rounded opportunity to meet ELA and Michigan Math requirements. Children paint, dance, drum, strum, and sing too! They do research on the computer and discover the beneficial uses of applications on iPads. Children engage in leveled reading and participate in Reader's and Writer's Workshop. They learn languages. They play, plant, recycle, eat healthy food and they grow.
Entrance into this Program takes place through a lottery process. Please contact julie@wintersunschool.com for more information.

Building vegetable beds

Painting the continents

Building with friends

Helping the earth

Learning about how things grow

Cleaning the chicken coop

Hoop house

Reading together

Confidence Building