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Why Winter Sun Schoolhouse?

Learn to love and love to learn!

Happy children make healthy learners and Winter Sun breathes this!  One might often walk into any of our campuses and discover children who feel safe enough to joyfully express who they are.  Also to be found are teachers who enjoy their work. Through music, drama, literature, play, science, journaling, and art, children are introduced to reading, writing and speaking, math, Spanish Immersion, Sign Language, communication, space and critical thinking. Winter Sun is a space that naturally encourages learning!

Love the Earth, each other and yourself!

Love is the answer, whatever the question may be. Loving each other, loving ourselves and loving our world is what we are all about! If there is one thing we want our families to feel when they reflect upon their relationship with Winter Sun, it is that they felt loved and that their children were given the tools to love themselves and everything around them.

Create music, do art, and develop confidence!

One way that children develop confidence is through creative expression:  painting, sculpting, building, acting, singing, playing, and laughing. Whatever their gifts are they are sure to have ample opportunity to discover more of it at Winter Sun, growing their confidence in who they are and where they stand in the world.

Play, imagine, share and dream!

Discovery play is the way in which children get to know the world and practice what they have learned.  At Winter Sun, play is fundamentally respected as the work of the young child and we honor that by giving children a variety of opportunities to play throughout the day: dramatic play, center play, and indoor and outdoor discovery play.

Grow healthy bodies and minds!

Growing children is what we are in the business of doing. Through nutrition, rest and relaxation, yoga and physical movement and a daily rhythm that naturally promotes the growth of healthy bodies and healthy minds, Winter Sun nourishes the growing potential of each child.



A happy place to be, a healthy way to grow.

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Why Us!
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